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New release 30 May 2023.
PhD Theses (archive 2011-2019)
Anne Loes Nillesen, 2019, Spatial quality as a decisive criterium in flood risk strategies. An integrated approach for flood risk strategy
Yuting Tai, 2018, Changing Values on Water in Delta Cities. The case of Guangzhou in China’s Pearl River Delta
Veronica Zagare, 2018, The dichotomy of urbanising deltas: Towards a method of planning and design. The case of Lower Parana Delta, Argentina
Peter van Veelen, 2016, Design of multi-functional flood-defense in urban environments
Inge Bobbink, 2016, De Landschapsarchitectuur van het Polderboezem Systeem
Taneha K. Bacchin, 2015, Performative nature. Urban landscape infrastructure design in water sensitive cities
ChenKung Chung, 2014, Transformations of an Urbanized Delta Landscape: the case of Kaoshiung
Cornelia Redeker, 2013, Urban Flood Integration. Spatial Strategies for River-cities
Fransje Hooimeijer, 2011, The Dutch Polder-City and the Fine Dutch Tradition