Interdisciplinary Research Program – TUDelft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Transitional Territories Lecture Series – PLAY!
Marine Spatial Planning – MSP Simulation Workshop

Workshop convened by
Harald Warmelink
Senior Research Project Leader, Breda University of Applied Sciences, Games & Media Group

Wilco Boode
Applied Game Design & Technical Lab Facilitator, Breda University of Applied Sciences, Games & Media Group

Xander Keijser
Advisor at Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

Lecture series curated and convened by
Dirk Sijmons
Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin

Under the framework of
MVI North Sea Energy Lab

For the closing session of the 2018-2019 Lecture Series program ‘The North Sea’, a dedicated intensive workshop session on serious gaming for Maritime Spatial Planning convened by Breda University of Applied Sciences, Games & Media Group.

The Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) Challenge 2050 is a computer supported simulation game that gives maritime spatial planners and stakeholders the ability to explore the diverse challenges of sustainable planning of human activities in the marine and coastal ecosystem.

The simulation game is built around the following blocks:
– Coexistence of uses
– Ecological, economic, environmental aspects
– Stakeholders claims and planning issues within a cross-border/ trans-national context

The coherence of specific interventions is seen in relation to other processes such like:
– Common Fisheries Policy
– Habitats and Birds Directive
– Integrated Coastal Zone Management
– Marine Strategy Framework Directive
– Renewable Energy Directive
– Strategic Environmental Assessment
– Trans-European Transport Network
– Water Framework Directive

The North Sea
The North Sea region is bordered by a number of strong economies, the United Kingdom (England and Scotland), France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway (non-EU member but a member of the European Economic Area), and is one of the most heavily used seas with extensive shipping, fishing, energy (hydrocarbon and offshore wind), aggregate extraction, defence, recreation and includes 2 of the world’s largest ports (Rotterdam and Hamburg).

The Blue Growth potential of the North Sea area was analysed in a 2014 report (“Blue Growth Scenarios and Drivers for Sustainable Growth” (Ecorys, et al., 2012) which estimated that the North Sea’s maritime (blue) economy represented at least €150 billion (or approximately 30% of the EU total) and employed at least 850,000 people. The following key sectors are considered the most important in the North Sea: offshore wind, offshore oil & gas, aquaculture, shipping, shipbuilding, cruise tourism and coastal protection.

Relevant pan-North Sea MSP institutions and structures
The North Sea Commission is a politically-led cooperation platform for regions around the North Sea, bringing together the Presidents and delegates appointed by the Regional Authorities immediately below the level of Government which border the North Sea. Through dialogue and formal partnerships, they aim to promote common interests, especially in relation to European Union institutions, national governments and other organizations dealing with issues that are relevant to the North Sea. The focus for the North Sea Commission’s work is the North Sea Region 2020 strategy document. It defines the following focus areas under the priority ‘Managing Maritime Space’; maritime spatial planning, exploitation of marine resources and the North Sea Maritime Stakeholder Forum.

The Commission has a thematic working group called Marine Resources, which includes a number of measures related to MSP in the North Sea, including exchange of best practice on MSP and ICZM across the North Sea and promoting dialogue between all users of the North Sea to facilitate policy integration.

MSP in the North Sea
The nations bordering the North Sea are developing MSP to fulfil their requirements under the EU Directive for MSP, to deliver maritime spatial planning by March 2021. The following MSP activity is under way in the North Sea:

Belgium MSP for Belgian part of the North Sea (2014)
Germany MSP for North Sea EEZ (2009)
United Kingdom MSP (regional MSP is under development for the North East Inshore Plan Area, North East Offshore Plan Area, South East Inshore Plan Area, South East Offshore Plan Area. The first plans, the East Marine Plans, were published in 2014. The second plans, the South Marine Plans, were published in 2018.)
Scotland (Regional MSP is being developed for 11 Scottish Marine Regions as set out by the Scottish Marine Regions Order 2015, with 5 of these included within the North Sea)
The Netherlands Integrated Plan for the North Sea (2015) and the North Sea 2050 Spatial Agenda

National initiatives include developing arrangements for planning across jurisdictional boundaries, however there is currently no MSP at a North Sea scale. A need for strategic action has been noted, but a lack of overarching authority with a broad enough remit to facilitate the political co-operation required presents a key challenge. There is international co-operation on a regional basis; the Wadden Sea Forum provides a mechanism for Dutch-German-Danish trilateral co-operation including on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and provides a basis for co-ordination with regard to MSP.

*Excerpts from
(for further information please visit the site)

After Territory Symposium / Inland-Seaward End-of-Cycle Exhibition – Transitional Territories Studio and Research
Section of Urban Design/Transitional Territories Lecture Series—After Territory—Session 3