Interdisciplinary Research Program – TUDelft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Seminar #1 DU-IED BK TU Delft / LABPROJ FAU USP—The architectural project of fluvial cities: from a local to a continental approach

Convened by

BK TU Delft
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Department of Urbanism
Delta Urbanism Research Group

Elective Course/ Design Studio — AR086/AR093
Infrastructure and Environment Design (IED)

Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin
assist. professor urban design theory and methods


University of São Paulo
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism
Department of Project
Laboratory of Project
Research group on architecture project of fluvial urban infrastructures
(Fluvial metropolis group)

Post-Graduate Discipline — AUP5897
Architecture project of fluvial urban infrastructures

Alexandre Delijaicov
professor at FAU-USP, coordinator of LABPROJ-FAUUSP, architect of São Paulo City Hall.



The seminar series aims to discuss the architecture of large-scale infrastructure in Brazil focusing on the design of regional waterways—their geography, narrative and manifestation (past, present, future). As a project, the architecture of waterways draws horizontal and vertical relations between infrastructure and landscape, politics and space from local to cross-national levels. The two seminar sessions will discuss the infrastructure project as a figure of modernity and its socio-ecological consequences (intents, translations and transpositions), with cases in São Paulo and the Amazon.


Joint activities of the disciplines
BK TU Delft – AR086/AR093 – Infrastructure and Environment Design (IED)
FAU USP – AUP5897 – Architecture project of fluvial urban infrastructures


first session (90’)

09:00 BRT / 14:00 CET (10’)


Taneha Bacchin and Alexandre Delijaicov 


09.10 BRT / 14.10 CET (20’)

speaker 1

Taneha Bacchin, assistant professor urban design theory and methods at BK TU Delft
‘Transpositions, translations: Infrastructure, landscape, and the territory’


09.30 BRT / 14.30 CET (20’)

speaker 2

Lucas de Andrade, architect and researcher at LABPROJ FAU USP
‘Micro Basin of the Pirajuçara-Mirim stream as an unit of planning, design and management of the urban infrastructures and public facilities networks’


09:50 BRT / 14:50 CET (20’)

speaker 3

Pedro Fernandes, architect and researcher at LABPROJ FAU USP
‘Architectural design of urban fluvial infrastructures: neighbourhoods, parks and ports at the confluence of Guarapiranga and Jurubatuba canals’


10.10 BRT / 15.10 CET (20’)



10.30 BRT / 15.30 CET (15’)

end of first session / coffee break




second session (90’)

10.45 BRT / 15.45 CET (20’)

speaker 4

Lucas Di Gioia, architect and MSc. graduate student at BK TU Delft
‘Territories of mediation: shared existences in the Brazilian Amazon’


11.05 BRT / 16.05 CET (20’)

speaker 5

Luiz Azevedo, architect and researcher at LABPROJ FAU USP
‘Urban Waterways, Regional Waterways, Fluvial-Cities Network: Architecture Project of Regional Fluvial Infrastructure for the Junction Canal Paraguai-Madeira’


11.25 BRT / 16.25 CET (20’)

speaker 6

Nicolas Carvalho, architect and researcher at LABPROJ FAU USP
‘Architecture project of the fluvial urban infrastructures: urban and regional waterway systems and river port cities network on Tietê Waterway’


11.45 BRT / 16.45 CET (20’)



12.05 BRT / 17.05 CET (10’)

ending of workshop

Taneha Bacchin and Alexandre Delijaicov 


12.15 BRT / 17.15 CET

end of workshop


After Territory Symposium / Inland-Seaward End-of-Cycle Exhibition – Transitional Territories Studio and Research
Section of Urban Design/Transitional Territories Lecture Series—After Territory—Session 3