Project leader
Joep Storms
TUD Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences
Geert van der Meulen
Ranee Leung
TUDelft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Negar Sanaan Bensi
ZUS Zones Urbaines Sensibles
Consult group
Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin
Fransje Hooimeijer
TUDelft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Miren Vizcaino
Mark Bakker
Erik Mostert
Riccardo Riva
Astrid Blom
Maurits Ertsen
Julia Gebert
Hemmo Abels
Caroline Katsman
TUDelft Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Renske de Winter
Arjen Luijendijk
Dirk-Jan Walstra
Jos Timmermans
Niek Mouter
TUDelft Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
Elma van Boxel
Kristian Koreman
ZUS Zones Urbaines Sensibles
SLIKC’s ambition is:
IPCC sea-level scenarios show that sea-level rise will not stop in 2100. We need to understand how resilient coastal and floodplain communities are and how to mitigate, adapt or transform the land, cities and infrastructures for scenarios beyond 2100 even though the current sea-level and climate research is not clear about the potential maximum future sea level we may expect.
SLIKC includes researchers from various disciplines from in- and outside TU Delft. It integrates expertise from coastal and river engineering, hydrology, water management, geology, climate sciences, architecture and social sciences to provide a holistic and integrated approach to formulate and address the extremely complex questions related to the impact of sea-level rise on both the Netherlands and worldwide.
Sea-level rise will affect the physical, social, economic and political coherency of countries, cities, communities and infrastructure at national, regional and local scales. It may result in flooding as well as in salinization of fresh water resources, that will be exacerbated by changing rainfall patterns and river discharges as a result of climate change. Ensuring safety from flooding requires different measures than ensuring sufficient fresh water for domestic and agriculture purposes. Ideally, integrated measures will mitigate a multiple effects of sea-level rise.
SLIKC warrants academic independence. Research and project (e.g. citizen science) results will be fully accessible for all interested parties and civilians.