Interdisciplinary Research Program – TUDelft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Section of Urban Design/Transitional Territories Lecture Series—After Territory

Within the framework of:

Section of Urban Design
Delta Urbanism Research Group
Graduation Studio—Transitional Territories

Section of Landscape Architecture
Graduation Studio—Water Landscapes of Crisis and Hope

Curated by:
Nikos Katsikis and Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin
Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Section of Urban Design—TUDelft
Laura Cipriani
Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Section of Landscape Architecture—TUDelft



The Transitional Territories lecture series explores the agency of design as a mode of investigation and reflexive transformation of the ever-changing interrelations between natural processes, societal practices, and (geo)political frameworks.
The 2022-2023 edition marks the end of a cycle of investigations of the Transitional Territories research group and graduation studio on the Inland-Seaward topic. Jointly with the Water Landscapes of Crisis and Hope Studio and under the provocative title After Territory it aims to bring together perspectives from urban and landscape theory, critical media, and design to explore spatial approaches and concepts that can help decipher material processes of anthropogenic transformation of the earth across scales. The series aspires to offer critical insightsinto the state and agency of the territorial project within the pressing context of the climate crisis and the associated social and ecological tensions.
2023 sessions
Session 1
16 March 2023
17:00—19:00 CET
TU Delft | BK-HALL F
Alexandra Arènes & Jeff Diamanti (new date)
Alexandra Arènes
The critical zone: experimental mapping of earth processes.
Alexandra Arènes is Doctor in Architecture from the University of Manchester. She co-founded Studio SOC (Société d’Objets Cartographiques) in 2016 to produce maps, workshops and exhibitions. The studio designed an installation at the ZKM Museum in Karlsruhe for the exhibition Critical Zones. Observatories for Earthly Politics curated by Bruno Latour. She co-authored Terra Forma, a book of speculative maps published by the MIT press in 2022. Her research and practice address the understating and representation of landscapes in the context of climate change, through her thesis “Design at the time of the Anthropocene: Reporting from the Critical Zone”.
Jeff Diamanti
Bloom Ecologies: Critical Currents From the Mine to Dead Zone
Jeff Diamanti is Assistant Professor of Environmental Humanities at the University of Amsterdam. His first book, Climate and Capital in the Age of Petroleum: Locating Terminal Landscapes (Bloomsbury 2021) tracks the political and media ecology of fossil fuels across the extractive and logistical spaces that connect remote territories like Greenland to the economies of North America and Western Europe. His new research, Bloom Ecologies details the return to natural philosophy in the marine and atmospheric sciences studying the interactive dynamics of the cryosphere and hydrosphere in the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean.
Session 2 / One-Day Exhibition and Symposium ‘Territory as a Project’
14 April 2023
Symposium Session
14:00—17:00 CET
TU Delft | BK-Berlagezaal 1&2
Session 3
12 May 2023
17:00—19:00 CET
TU Delft | BK-Berlagezaal 1&2
Session 4 / Final Studio Exhibition and Symposium
22 June 2023
Symposium Session
15:00—17:00 CET
TU Delft | BK-Berlagezaal 1&2